Thursday, September 28, 2006

Foie Gras? Faux Pas?

Earlier this year the Chicago City Council banned the sale of Foie Gras (duck/geese liver) within city limits. Foie Gras has been banned b/c of the inhumane way in which duck and geese are force fed to ensure bigger livers. Of course all the fancy smancy restaurants arent feeling this b/c they feel like they are losing business or whatever.

My question is......ummm where do you draw the line? What in the Sam Hill makes duck/geese any more privileged than chickens and cows and shit. If you gon ban one, then ban them all. I mean Ive seen "Faces of Death". I've seen how they go about killing the cattle in which we eat. WTF makes Foie Gras any worst than how they go about getting hamburger meat?

Shit doesnt make sense to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But they still sell/serve veal?