Tuesday, June 22, 2010

For Your Health ('Cause I'm Genuinely Concerned) (#22....30 Writes in 30 Days)

You are gonna die
crazy early
of some stress related illness
cause you cant
let shit go!

I'm not wishing it on you
I'm just stating the obvious
You need to learn to

That stress shit eats up black folk
like we do collard greens
And when you add in the
elements we're among.....

What you think them stress knots
in yo' neck is trying to tell you?

Take another vacation
Smoke a joint
Have a drink
Go watch waterfalls
instead of passing that
shit along to me!

I'm not telling you
to not care at all
I'm just saying
do a better job
of picking and choosing
what and what not to
give a fuck about

This knock down
and drag out shit
about damn near
every little thing
(which usually turns out to not be about shit)
is for the birds

So my loving advice to you
for the sake of you
and all that love you
is to find some
cool, calm, soothing
and relaxing shit
that you like to do
and do it

And please please please
by all means
take a deep breath while you're at it!

1 comment:

T.a.c.D said...

i am totally diggin your quest