I say COT DAMN! It's one of them 'Do The Right Thing' days up in Chi huh? They say it's supposed to hit like 102 or something. Meanwhile in Phoenix they are wishing for a 102 day. They fucking pushing 120! Man...stay cool, up under the AC , and keep some water and whatnot up in ya. As for the kid....Im ass naked with the fan in spitting distance of me. It's just like that.....
I coulda baked a cake in my car coming to work, it was so hot in that mofo. I'm under the AC now, so I'm straight... but when I get home? UGH.
But this is typical Chicago summer weather, what can I say? We've had a reprieve for a couple years, but I knew it wouldn't last for long.
I have AC.....See what you missing (lol)
I bet all black folks were thinking about "Do The Right Thing" when that weather hit. Don't remind me!
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