Yeah!......Happy "How the fuck you gon 'discover' some land that people were already inhabiting when your punk ass rolled up on the Santa Maria or whatever the fuck it was in 1492 but b/c you are a white man you will go down in history as discovering this previously occupied land....but even then you knew about white privilege, right?" Columbus Day!
!!!snaps!!! damn you made me wanna chew a brick wall down...grrrr, spit. -mc
Say it loud! I'm Black and I'm Proud!! I fell out when I seen that pic...
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeerrr You been Teej?
I miss you!!
So I take it you don't have any Love for Columbus Day. Is that I reasonable assumption?
Go get some Applesauce from the fridge turn on some NE and chill okay?:)
*Thunderous applause*
His puss ass ain't discovered shit. They just need another reason to pat each other on the back and say go whitey. LOL
That's like digging in someone else's purse and "discovering" their wallet...
At least Thanksgiving has been flipped and rearranged into actual thankfulness, turkey and football. Columbus Day is nothing but a bloodbath (ignorance celebrated every year, smh). Keep teaching for those who don't happen to know.
Let's not forget that he got lost, so the land he "discovered" was not even his intended destination.
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