Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Tax Time Story

There's this dude I know named......ummm.....we'll call him 'CJ' or 'Ceej'. So 'Ceej' has been pushing along, trying to make a dollar outta fifteen cents. He hadnt been able to participate in his favorite pasttimes of buying books and collecting CD's in quite some time b/c of budget constraints. You know how that goes, right? So now it's tax time. 'Ceej' wrote his rent check (for about $20 more than what was in his account at the time) and gave it to the rent people on Tuesday. On Wednesday he went to have his taxes done and found out that he was gonna be getting a real pretty penny back. He did the 1 to 2 day refund, so he was gonna be A-OK, right?

Nooooooooooooo not ol 'Ceejie'. Not with his luck! He was told what he was due to get back in about 2 days and jumped up and did the happy dance. Ran outta the H&R Block office at top speed and headed straight for Best Buy to cop a few CD's. Damn near $50 later he leaves Best Buy and beelines for Borders. Gotta get a couple/few things from there too ya know? So another $50 dollars later he exits Borders. Over the next couple days he spends like he's starring in a rap video. So after about $300 in total he decides he needs to slow down til he ACTUALLY GETS THE DAMN MONEY! Now keep in mind his rent check aint cleared yet. But no worries b/c he will be getting his tax return in 2 days, right? Anyone sense where this is going yet?

Well long story short..........b/c of a filing snafu his rent check beat his tax return to his account. I type this 'Ceej' tells me that his checking account is currently -$413.45. Tax people apologize about the snafu and assure him that he'll be receiving an addition $80 b/c the money didnt get there in 1-2 days. He's told he could have the money this Friday or worst case scenario by next Friday. But for now, save for the $9 in his wallet........... "Niggas is ass out like fat bitches in bikini's" - Notorious B.I.G.

Morale of the story : Dont be like "Ceej". Dont count your eggs before they hatch. He knew better. Make sure you do too!


Sim1 said...

Tell CJ he is a silly plonker!!

idk... said...

Mabye one day somebody will listen to good o' Drea... Im not gonna say the infamous "I told you" soo... cause I allready did.

Cherise said...

Ummm I think I had a friend like that a few months back... I hope your friend is ok for the next week or so... There's always the dollar menu.. LOL