Friday, December 23, 2005

5 Random Things (Tagged by Dee Dee)

So I have to list 5 random things about me, then name 5 tagees. Not a problem. This tag seems simple enough. This is a cake walk actually. DeeDee you must be sweet on ol Teej....throwing me this candy! lol

1. Im almost pretty sure I want a girlfriend again. I think I got this now. I know where I fucked up. It was all pretty fucking preventable. Pretty stupid on my part. But then again...I said almost dammit!

2. I liked baby food up until I was about 7 yrs old. I can remember getting in trouble for basically stealing my little cousin's baby food. I dont think I stole shit like mashed peas or nothing. But the applesauce and anything else sweet got ganked/gaffled/cuffed and all that!

3. I know it seems like Im some playboy relishing the fact that I have bachelorhood and all. But deep down....I really wanna settle down and possibly start a family. Im a bit envious of my married friends and those in LTR's

4. I had sexual experiences waaaaaaaaaaay too early. Hint : I hadnt made double digits yet. Damn ON-TV corrupted my young impressionable mind!!! Add to the fact I was lil slick ass getting away with shit with my mama none the wiser...........bad bad bad!

5. I participated in trying to kill my babysitter when I was about 10 or so. We HATED Michelle! She was a direct descendant of the devil as far as we (my brother, my cousin and I) were concerned. We threw away her medication that was in the 'frig. (In hindsight I think it was some vaginal cream or something but Im not sure.) We took it out back and threw it like as far down the alley as humanly possible. We also put some bleach in the glass of water she asked one of us to get for her. She didnt drink it though. Said it looked too soapy.

Okay...thats my 5 random things/facts about me. The following people have been tagged.

1. InsanelySane
2. Lesley
3. Janity
4. Reese
5. Maisha


brooklyn babe said...

Yo know I work this side gig, where I feed grown men baby food, your just in time for a holiday discount! *jokes*
Wassup Teej! W'ha up wit cha!
Wishing you holiday greeting and all dat.

msjaim said...

ur ass is everywhere, wth hell is going on?...Killing the baby sitter.. I need to try that sh!t w/ my land lord :(

Anonymous said...

You served a cup of bleach to someone in an effort to kill them and THEY are supposedly related to Lucifer? *shaking head* Methinks "the killa" has it a little twisted. Ok, and if I'm tagged where, praytell, am I supposed to post? Hmmmmmmmmmm?

Cherise said...

So, Now I'm it.. damn! 5 random things or facts about me...