2. As disillusioned as I am with the whole voting process at times (especially after Bush won
the 2000 '(s)election'), I still feel a need to vote every chance I get
3. Especially when you think of the fact that people were still being killed for helping to register black people to vote merely a couple years before some of your favorite rappers were born
4. Hillary is really starting to be like a bad bladder as of late though
5. FYI that means she's pissing me off
6. Alls Im saying is......the place had a 'VIP' room called 'Ron's Champagne Room'
7. I dunno....maybe Im becoming an elitist or something
8. Nah fuck that!.....Im no elitist. I just have to be in the mood to do something THAT HOOD
9. Just warn me first yo! You cant be sneaking the hood shit on me!
10. "Swearing is an art form. You can express yourself much more exactly, much more succinctly, with properly used curse words." - Coleman A. Young
11. Speaking of (Former Detroit) Mayor Young.....it aint looking so hot right now for the current one at the moment
12. Damn Kwa! This is not a good look homie!
13. Yo Drew....you gotta take that picture down man
14. My elbows are ashy I think.....you know The Teej cant go out like that
15. Im not ashamed to admit that I really dig John Cusack movies
16. Some of these so called 'black leaders'.....man the way they be hating on Barack makes me think 'when we start the revolution, all they'll probably do is snitch!'
17. Word to Bob Johnson!
18. "My first impulse was to run up on you and do a 'Rambo'....whip out the jammy and flat blast both of ya. But I didnt wanna mess up this $3700 Linx coat. So instead......I chilled! That's right...chilled. Then I went to the bank.....took out every dime! And then I went and cancelled all those credit cards. Yeah...all your charge 'counts....yeah. I stuck you up for every piece of jewelry I ever bought you!" - Oran "Juice" Jones "In The Rain"19. Tell me that aint some pimp shit!
20. Speaking of 'Rambo'.....Stallone's ass aint got nothing better to do than make MORE 'Rocky' and 'Rambo' sequels?
21. Fuck....Gimme a 'Tango and Cash 2' or even another 'Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot' or something!
22. On second thought....somebody get word to dude to just stop making movies altogether
23. I like Michael Baisden's show and all but I think he'd be better off staying on radio
24. Maybe Im late to the party but uhhhh....Lauren London is fucking GORGEOUS!!!!!
25. Tell me that these 2 quotes dont go to together.....
26. "Most of the time.....niggas just need to shut the fuck up!" - Fox Brown Fox
27. "Nigga the Lord dont wanna hear all that shit!" - Steen
28. Cant nobody tell me I dont have the dopest, most diverse, and craziest array of friends
29. Do you realize there is a whole generation of 'Hip Hop fans' who were born AFTER 'Pac and B.I.G. died?
30. Crazy, right?
31. Sometimes Im scared that I may turn out not to be the marrying kind at all, and instead Im destined to be 'one of them fishes'
32. But then again I shouldnt allow myself to think such dumb shit
33. Everybody....if you can remember to do so.....please never ever utter the word 'Chillaxin' in my direction
34. For some strange reason that shit is like fingernails down a chalkboard to me
35. "Are there not enough hobbies in the information age to keep bored bitches busy?" - Merci36. I feel ya Merci!
37. God bless Mr. Powell, John Stroger and Eugene Sawyer
38. We must remember they arent gone so much as they have transformed into spiritual form
39. Mama Ackie...I'd like to thank you for your compliments.....and of course for birthing Naila as well ;)
40. If stupidity were a crime....dude would be serving triple life in prison, with no parole, in solitary confinement!
41. ...and its fucked up b/c Im forced to deal with him
42. I constantly wanna tell him to sit his dumb ass down like Martin told dude in that one episode but I have to keep it somewhat PC at the workplace, right?
43. "I'm smiling all the time. That doesn't mean a goddamned thing except I think people who go around solemn-faced and quoting the Bible are full of shit." - Coleman A. Young
44. Some people think anything outside of plain ol vanilla sex is weird
45. And well....that just sucks for them!
46. Pictures are indeed worth a thousand words.......
48. Get out and vote on Super Tuesday!
49. It'll make you a better person I promise
50. "People get ready, there's a train comin'/You don't need no baggage, you just get on board/All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin'/......Faith is the key, open the doors and board them/There's hope for all among those loved the most/There ain't no room for the hopeless sinner whom would hurt all mankind just to save his own/Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner/For there is no hiding place against the kingdom's throne" - Curtis Mayfield "People Get Ready"